My Challenge is ......


To save enough money so that I can pay for my children and myself to travel to England when my daughter who is studying Midwifery @ Kings College London Graduates. That's 4 siblings and me. So to reach this goal I have found 3 ways to save up for it. So please share this Blog with your Family and Friends, Help me, make this happen!

“Open the Box”

We Need Your Help
PayBox is different. There has never been a payment service like PayBox. From the very beginning, we have relied on our users sharing PayBox with friends to fuel our growth.
Instead of spending millions of dollars on advertising, we are rewarding our EarlyBird users for helping us test our payment service as we build it, and only asking that you share PayBox to help us grow.
To this point, we have had remarkable success with our grass-roots growth efforts. Now, we are relying on our members to keep spreading the word, helping us to take PayBox to the next level and “open the box”.


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